
Korg poly 800 vs juno 106 patvches
Korg poly 800 vs juno 106 patvches

korg poly 800 vs juno 106 patvches

If you think that the Nord Modular is a good substitute for a Juno, then you obviously don't understand half as much about synths as you seem to think you do. This thread exists because our dear friend was having a hard time deciding between two similar and relatively straightforward subtractive synths. Believe it or not, a lot of people have no interest patching together unit generators in some editing software for hours on end. I've had both a Nord Modular and a Nord Lead, but I kept the Lead.

korg poly 800 vs juno 106 patvches

Not everyone gives a shit about limitless possibilities. You have to admit that you're tone and message are a bit, shall we say, "didactic." It's like someone asking whether it'd be better to use a shovel or a trowel to dig up their flowerbed, and you coming along and pointing out how many cubic feet of soil you can move with a front loader. And anyone who does must do so because they think everyone else is stupid and needs to be enlightened. Yes because nobody else here has ever recommended anything to anyone. That's right bro, everyone else is stupid and needs to be enlightened by you. If people are going to be influenced by the masses of brainwashed analogue zombies, they deserve to at least get something of a counterpoint, especially from someone who owns both analogue and digital synths! It also makes taking a hundred programs with you on the road easier than packing up a laptop anyhow.Īny I consider it something of a public service, a hobby, and my prerogative in general. I mention the Nord instead of Reaktor/Max etc, both because while yes they are all digital, you still don't know what math the Nord is using for its osc's/filters etc, and also because typically people who are looking to spend too much money on a questionable piece of 35 year old Roland kit want some sort of tactile interface to be included, and will not want to spend an hour or two setting up a nice control surface to go with something.

korg poly 800 vs juno 106 patvches

I mention it because people get brainwashed into this thinking that anything other than a 30 year old borderline antique will sound good, and then just go looking on ebay for these crazy ass insane niche market things that will never accomplish what all they need it to do, assuming they still even work properly! In fact, in just this thread the OP said "hey I wanted a Nord Modular but its too expensive", perhaps not realizing that G1 Nord Modulars cost less than these niche Rolands. Lol AW, pissing you of is just the awesome side effect.

Korg poly 800 vs juno 106 patvches